Closure of LG7 Food Outlet 3 for renovation


Please be informed that the TT Veggie, existing operator of LG7 Food Outlet 3, will close its doors starting from today (31 May 2024) upon completion of the agreement.  Immediately after the closure, the new operator, who is specializing in serving Chinese noodle soup (Mixian), will carry out the fitting-out works and start providing services before the new semester begins.


We understand that there are lots of students and staff enjoying plant-based foods.  Rest assured, we remain committed to providing diverse food options that cater to different dietary preferences. More meatless options will be made available from other campus food outlets. Please refer to this link for further information. In addition, the temporary food booth at LG5 will reopen in the next semester serving plant-based meals.


We will keep you updated on the progress and look forward to welcoming you back to a refreshed and revitalized LG7 Restaurant.


We appreciate your understanding and continued support during this transition period.